CA405 / PS240

Question 1 

Research Methods


Write a 750-1000 word essay on constructing and administrating a questionaire and its practical application in descriptive research. Include your opinion, backed by scholarly articles, about the strengths and weaknesses of this kind of research. In your essay, provide a treatment of at least FOUR scholarly research articles on the topic you have selected.


  • Use Times New Roman script with a font size of 12 for the entire document.
  • The paper should be double-spaced.
  • Margins should be at least one inch all around.


  • At least FOUR scholarly sources are utilized. Information is synthesized throughout the essay.
  • The literature review has a strong introduction, main body, and conclusion.


  • APA style guidelines should be used, including proper in-text citations and a reference page.


  • The literature review should be well written and error free. Use spell check and proofread your essay for grammatical errors.
  • The essay should be written in a professional tone. Familiar language (slang) should be avoided.
  • Use direct quotations sparingly (paraphrasing is encouraged) and make sure quotes are properly documented.
  • Be as concise and clear as possible throughout your paper.
  • Each sentence should logically flow into the next sentence and each paragraph should transition smoothly to the next paragraph.

Question 2

Intelligence Tests

Write a 1-2 page essay that distinguishes between individual and group intelligences tests, regarding the abilities assessed and the advantages and disadvantages of each type; discuss the first group intelligence test, including why it was developed, the skills assessed, and sample test items. Explain how IQ scores are related to success in school and college, to one’s job, and to other endeavors, such as art, music, writing, dramatics, science, and leadership. Proper APA formatting is a requirement for all essay assignments. Cite at least three educational sources (one source may include the course textbook) in the essay.

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