Can you help me in doing research about SDN security

Question description

First, I need to fix the attach file.. you can see a notes on it and also need to look at this requirement:
1 – Organize your folders as specified in the instructions. (-5)

2 – Related work is short, you need to provide more information about the work preseneted in the papers and provide a clear critique about the work presented itself, not about the writing of the paper. (-10)

3 – Your motivations are not enough and not clear, what is still missing that your paper will provide? Why this issue still need to be studies. (-5)

4 – Grammar and writing need to be revised. You are encouraged to visit the writing center. (-5)

5 – What are your research questions? (-5)

Please see my comments on the paper.

and this what it was required:

For this part of your term paper, you need to start your writing.

A. Start by putting together an Introduction section.

In this section you need to include the following:

Start with at least one paragraph discussing the field/area of study in general (for instance, if your area is on cloud computing, then start with a discussion of what cloud computing is and why it is important)
Then, add at least one paragraph discussing the issues in this field and what your paper’s focus and what is to be presented in this paper.
Later, end of this section by adding a paragraph listing your paper’s organization such as: “Our paper is organized as the following, in section II we will discuss the related work, which is followed by the problem statement in section III . . . and so forth).
B. After the Introduction section, you need to have the Related Work section:

In this section, you need to briefly discuss the related work (articles that are related to your specific research topic).
Your related work should include recently published work (2012 – 2017).
Since your working on a Survey then you need to present enough work to discuss previous research in the field of study (minimum of 7 – 10 papers) (please refer to the materials on wiring a Survey paper).
For each related work, you need to highlight:
the authors focus,
their contributions and motivations behind their work
and briefly discuss their work or proposed scheme(s).
After discussing the scheme, you need to critique their work to emphasize the motivations behind “your” work.
C. Motivation section discussing your motivations behind your work.

In this section you need to address your research questions, what drove you to work on this research and what makes this survey different from other surveys in the field. (Hint: refer to your critiques from the related work section as these are going to be related to your motivations).
Please note that you need to use your own words in writing the papers. Please do not copy-paste any section from other papers.


Make sure you use the reference correctly through your text. And Include the references section at the end of your writing.

An easy way to include references in your paper is to use Bibtex format. Note that, each publisher has a section on the papers page that allows you to export the citation in different formats and normally they list the exact format on how the article has to be cited.

You can refer to this tutorial on how to use Bibtex in your Latex document:

Term paper Latex Template:

Note that, you need to use the given

Term-paper – to write your paper, please refer to the Term paper section for more information on writing using LaTeX.
What to turn in:

A zipped folder including the following:
Latex package folder: Your LaTeX package, including your PDF version of your paper (Please rename the files in the package).
Papers folder: All the articles that were addressed in your writing.
All submissions should be through the project’s link. Nothing will be accepted though email.

Grading policy:

Oveerview of the area of study (5)
What is going to be presented in the paper (5)
Paper organization (5)
Related work:
# of releated work
for each related work:
The authors’ focus (2)
Author’s contributions and motivations (2)
Brefly discuss the work presented in this related work (2)
Cretique (4)
Clearly present your esearch questions (5)
Clearly discuss your motivations and what makes this survey different (5)
List of papers (10)
Grammar and flow of writing (10)

according to the requirement fix this. and you can look at the attachment to see the related work. also, I have talk about only 2 paper , I need at least 5

if you look at the related work in the paper you will see that I have worked on only 2 related work. I need to talk at least about 5

related worked attached at dropbox.…

length : It doesn’t matter, as long as you fix all the requirements

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