ECE203 Week 1 Planning and Domains of Development Case Study Assignment
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, review the ECE203 Case Studies (Links to an external site.)and select one that looks interesting to you. To be an effective early childhood educator in the United States today, it is imperative that you are able to adapt curriculum and instruction to meet each and every child’s varied needs across each developmental domain, regardless of the age of the children. This discussion builds on the Week 1 discussion about creating trust with students, and further prepares you to design for each and every child’s success in your classroom, which is a component of the Final Project in Week 5.
For your discussion, you will create a developmentally appropriate activity that enhances one domain of development (cognitive, physical, effective, or language) for one of the children in the case study examples. An example activity for this discussion is located in the Week 2 Instructor Guidance.
To prepare for this discussion,
- Read the article The Case of Brain Science and Guided Play: A Developing Story (Links to an external site.) and the Where We Stand on Professional Preparation Standards (Links to an external site.)
- Review the Week 2 Weekly Guidance.
- Choose one child from the case study examples you reviewed.
For your initial post,
- Design an activity for your selected case study child. Your post should include the following:
- The name and age of the child as indicated in the case study you chose.
- A description of the setting the instruction will take place in (e.g., childcare center, classroom).
- The goal of the activity, including which domain it is geared towards.
- The materials necessary to support student learning for the activity.
- The procedure for how the activity will be implemented. This section of your response must be at least one full paragraph and provide a substantial description of the procedure.
- A description of specifically how your activity aligns with NAEYC’s article The Case of Brain Science and Guided Play: A Developing Story (Links to an external site.) and the importance of play in the early childhood learning environment.