Literature Review Paper Revision, health & medical homework help
Question description
Hello there! This is a completed paper i received 40% on because several of the requirements on the rubric were not covered. Can you please revise it so that it meets the requirements of the rubric, i would greatly appreciate it as i sincerely need a passing grade on this paper. Below you will find how i was graded on the paper totaling 40%.I only received points in bolded areas of the “Acceptable” column on the rubric which was just a few and i received two zeros in the “Unacceptable” column. Thank you!
Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to comple an outline literature search on a topic of interest. This assignment is preparatory work and practice for your EBP Qaulity Improvement Group paper and poster.
- Choose a problem faced by clients in your practice area that you think is important ans would like to learn more about.
- You may use your PICOT question
- Write a five (5) page literature review paper on the standing knowledge of the chosen question.
- Include a minimum of five (5) journal articles, at least three (3) from nursing journals.
- Follow APA style rules.
- View rubric for grading.
one month ago
school NUR3165 school Research Nursing
Outstanding | Acceptable | Unacceptable | |
Identifies summarizes the problem or question | Points: 10 (10%)Uses evidence and statistical data to substantiate the importance of the problem or clinical question | Points: 5 (5%)
Readers are aware of the overall problem, challenge, or topic that is to be examined. |
Points: 0 (0%)
Neither implicit nor explicit reference is made of the problem or question that is to be examined |
Identifies the methodology for searching the evidence | Points: 10 (10%)
Information is gathered from multiple, research-based sources. |
Points: 5 (5%)
Information is gathered from a limited number of sources. |
Points: 0 (0%)
Information is gathered from a single source. |
Identifies existing , relevant knowledge | Points: 10 (10%)
At least 10 articles were selected and each specifically related to the initial inquiry question. |
Points: 5 (5%)
At least 5 articles were selected and related to the initial inquiry question |
Points: 0 (0%)
The findings of articles were mentioned with little and or no comparison or connection to each other. |
Analysis and synthesizes the evidence | Points: 20 (20%)
The findings/results of articles were thoughtfully compared, contrasted and/or connected to each other. |
Points: 10 (10%)
The finding of articles were compared, contrasted and/or connected to each other. |
Points: 0 (0%)
The findings of articles were mentioned with little and or no comparison or connection to each other. |
Draws sound inferences and conclusions | Points: 20 (20%)
The conclusion of the review summarized the knowledge found from this review and related the knowledge gain to the inquiry question. |
Points: 10 (10%)
The conclusion of the review summarized the knowledge found from this review. |
Points: 0 (0%)
The conclusion of the review did not summarize the knowledge found from this review. |
Organization | Points: 10 (10%)
The review was organized using subheadings. The review was suitably organized considering the contents of the selected Articles. |
Points: 5 (5%)
The review was suitably organized considering the contents of the selected articles. |
Points: 0 (0%)
The review was minimally organized and writing was difficult to follow throughout. |
Clarity of writing and writing technique | Points: 10 (10%)
Writing is crisp, clear, and succinct. The writer incorporates the active voice when appropriate. The use of pronouns, modifiers, parallel construction, and transitions. |
Points: 5 (5%)
Writing is generally clear, but unnecessary words are occasionally used. Meaning is sometimes hidden. Paragraph or sentence structure is too repetitive. |
Points: 0 (0%)
It is hard to know what the writer is trying to express. Writing is convoluted. Misspelled words, incorrect grammar, and improper punctuation are evident. |
Citations/References: Proper APA format |
Points: 10 (10%)
Font, spacing, and APA format are correct. All needed citations were included in the report. References matched the citations, and all were encoded in APA format. |
Points: 5 (5%)
Font, spacing, or APA format is correct. Information is cited, but has errors. |
Points: 0 (0%)
Font, spacing, and APAP format are incorrect. Information is not cited or is cited incorrectly. |
Raw Total: 40.00 (of 100.0)