MGMT312 Leader Member Exchange Theory & Transformational Factors Paper

1.The LMX (Leader Member Exchange Theory) contends that subordinates fall in to either the in-group or the out-group. This is obviously not about a popularity contest. What does this concept mean when relating to the LMX theory?

2.Explain the four transformational factors associated with the transformational leadership model.

3.What is path-goal leadership and how does it differ from others? What other theory is similar to path-goal leadership?

4.In the Situational Leadership Model, what are the four leadership styles and the four developmental levels. Briefly describe what they mean.

5.What is the overall premise of the situational theory/model?

6.Explain the meaning of the leadership “grid”.

7.The Style Theory is also referred to as the Behavioral theory. Why?

8.In your own words, describe two strengths and two weaknesses of the Skills Approach to leadership.

9.The Skills Model of leadership outlines three “skills” needed for top management, middle management and supervisory management. Describe the three skills and explain when they are needed in the three levels of management.

10.The Trait Theory of leadership contends that leaders are both born and made. What does this mean and what does the research suggest regarding how many of our leadership skills are innate and how many are learned?

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