Nursing Leadership

Time Management

This assignment is about you. It is an assessment of your abilities and traits.

This assignment will help you figure out what style of leadership you have been following and whether this style works for you.

Through this assignment, you will find the various approaches of leadership that complement each other. There is no one theory that describes the only way to be an effective leader. Each theory focuses on different issues, but they all help you to better understand how to become a successful leader.

use the following link to access the Time Management Assessment: Time Management Assessment This is the web site that needs to be link

Based on your research and understanding, create a paper in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document that:

Incorporates your time management self-assessment information and the concepts learned this week (leadership theories, leadership versus management, professional nursing organizations, and time management.

Includes identification of one leadership theory, which you feel best describes your leadership style.

Includes a comparison between leadership and management

Includes a suggestion on how to apply this week’s concepts to the work environment

APA format need references too.

· Leadership Theories

  • Autocratic (Authoritarian): The      autocratic leader dictates to the group the task to be accomplished, and      the method to be followed. This style is used when time is short and the      leader is the most knowledgeable person on the team with regards to the      task at hand.
  • Participative (Democratic):      Participative leaders include the group in the decision−making process.      This style is most appropriate when everyone in the group has knowledge      about the subject, like when working with a group of experts. The leader,      however, retains the ability to make the final decision.

Delegative (Free Reign): Also known as laissez faire, meaning—to not get involved in the affairs of others, a delegative leader allows the individuals in the group to make independent decisions, although the leader will be held responsible for the decisions made. It is best to not supervise educated people,

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