PLAGIARISm Utilizing the information on academic dishonesty located in the AState Student Handbook, essay help
Question description
Utilizing the information on academic dishonesty located in the AState Student Handbook, you may choose to write a short essay on plagiarism. This essay should be approximately one page in length and should include your honest reflections on the situation in which you were involved… as well as the importance of maintaining integrity in completion of course work.
The case or what happened for me in this class I got zero on the (critical writing assignment ) because there is someone who submitted the exact same work that I submit !! (( I got this problem because of one of this website tutor!!!! who puts me in trouble. not this is what I want you to write about I just want to let you know about the whole case to write me a good short essay)) What I want you to write ( I write this assignment by my self but I don’t know how and who take this assignment from me to give the same exact work!! I was thinking of this situation too long and I thought of maybe when I was checking my grammar on checking websites they get my work and put it online ! the other thought is maybe there is a huker on my labtop who give the work the other student but till today I don’t know how they get to my work.
All I need you to write is a short essay about PLAGIARISM from the handbook and my case that I explained to you up here. one bage I TRUSTED YOU BECAUSE OF THIS I ASSIGNED YOU MY ASSIGNMENT.
This the Astate handbook . I mean this what will helps you to write a short essay one bage.
Arkansas State University enthusiastically promotes academic integrity and prof
essional ethics
among all members of the A
State academic community. Violations of this policy are considered
as serious misconduct and may result in severe penalties.
is the act of taking and/or using the ideas, work, and/or
writings of another
person as one’s own.
To avoid plagiarism give written credit and acknowledgment to the source of thoughts,
ideas, and/or words, whether you have used direct quotation, paraphrasing, or just a
reference to a general idea.
If you directly
quote works written by someone else, enclose the quotation with
quotation marks and provide an appropriate citation (e.g., footnote, endnote,
bibliographical reference).
Research, as well as the complete written paper, must be the work of the person
ng academic credit for the course. (Papers, book reports, projects, and/or other
class assignments)
Faculty members may respond to cases of plagiarism in any of the following
Return the paper or other item for rewriting; the grade may be lowered.
Give a failing grade on the paper or other item
“F” if a letter grade is used or zero if a
numerical grade is used.
Give the student who plagiarized a failing grade in the course.
ecommend sanctions, including disciplinary expulsion from the university.
is an act of dishonesty with the intention of obtaining and/or using information in
a fraudulent manner.
Observing and/or copying from another student’s test pap
er, reports, computer files
and/or other class assignments.
Giving or receiving assistance during an examination period. (This includes providing
specific answers to subsequent examinees and/or dispensing or receiving information
that would allow the stud
ent to have an unfair advantage in the examination over
students who did not possess such information.)
Using class notes, outlines, and other unauthorized information during an examination.
Using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting,
in part or in whole the
contents of an examination or other assignment not authorized by the professor of the
Using for credit in one class a term paper, book report, project, or class assignment
written for credit in another class without the know
ledge and permission of the
professor of the class.
Exchanging places with another person for the purpose of taking an examination or
completing other assignments.
Faculty members may respond to cases of cheating in any of the following way
Allow the testing to progress without interruption, informing the offending student
about the offense
and award a failing grade on the test
“F” if a letter grade is used
or zero if a numerical grade is used.
Seize the test of the offending student and
give a failing grade on the paper.
Give the offending student a failing grade in the course.
Recommend sanctions, including disciplinary expulsion from the university.
Sanctions for Academic Misconduct
Sanctions for Academic Misconduct may be imposed by
the faculty member or instructor
discovering the Academic Misconduct except in the case of dismissal from a particular program
which shall be made by the department chair or program director, or suspension or expulsion
from the university, which shall be m
ade by the dean. The following sanctions may be imposed
for Academic Misconduct:
A failing grade on the paper or project;
Rewriting or repeat performance of course work;
A failing grade for the class;
Dismissal from the class;
from a particular program;
Suspension or Expulsion from the university;
Other appropriate sanctions as warranted by the specific acts of the student.
A Student may not avoid academic sanctions by withdrawing from a class, a program, or the
Colleges and Departments (e.g., Art, Nursing, Biology) may add to these guidelines in
order to enforce academic integrity and professional ethics to meet their special needs (e.g.,
clinical, computer, laboratory experiences.