Business Ethics:Am I walking My Ethical Talk? / Managing a Diverse Workforce

Follow PART 1 & 2  and answer the questions with citation and reference NO PLAGIARISM.PART 1: Am I walking My Ethical Talk?On p. 280 of the text, the authors present a series of questions to ask yourself whether you are“walking your ethical talk”. Question 1asks you to consider how you discuss the ethical implications the ethical implications of your work:-Do I talk about the ethical implications of decisions with the people who report to me as well as with the job candidates I’m interested in hiring?- With my peers?-With my manager?-How would you pose this question in a discussion with your manager?PART 2:Managing a Diverse WorkforceRead the short case,“Managing a Diverse Workforce”, on p. 314 of the text.Suppose that your Vice President to whom you report at Secure Bank calls you to his office and tells you to select a male member of your team to replace Julie on your sales team.In your initial post, describe your course of action and you rationale for choosing this course (Business Ethnics).ReferenceTrevino, L.K., & Nelson, K.A. (2014).  Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (6th ed.). NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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