Checklist for “Writing Who I Think I Am” Introduction
Checklist for “Writing Who I Think I Am” Introduction
Who I Think I Am” at
identity the purpose of your paper, which is to describe your personality based on the BPP
describe the BPP, including that it is is based on
the five
factor model incombination with
the notion of a multifaceted self.
described each of the five factors
described each of the facets of the multifaceted self.
emphasize that the BPP, and your paper, will focus on the interpretation of DIFFERE
scores between the facets of the self on each of the five factors, which is summarized in
an “integrator matrix.”
describe how your paper will be organized
. Say that you
will begin
with a description of
your unified self
and proceed to
to describe and
interpret the important differences in the
facets of yourself
revealed by the integrator matrix. T
hat is, will your paper be organized
around the factors
all notable difference scores
for one factor then doing the
same for the next factor etc.
) or around the
ce scores
(describing the
involved in a notable difference
e.g. public/pri
vate self
difference, doing the
same for the next comparison of facets, etc
describe you unified self on each of the five factors.
format in APA style (headings, font, margins, spacing etc)
writing tone in APA style (
not conversational, “I” is only OK for “I” as the subject of this paper.
Who I Think I Am: Introduction
Write a 2 page Introduction to your paper titled “Who I Think I Am.” Your Introduction should identify the purpose of your paper, which is to describe your personality based on the BPP, which, in turn is based on the five-factor model as well as the notion of a multifaceted self. You will, therefore, have to describe each of the five factors as well as the notion of multiple selves. You should emphasize that the BPP, and your paper, will focus on DIFFERENCES between the facets of the self, which are summarized in an “integrator matrix.” Finally, you should describe how your paper will be organized starting with a description of your unified self, to provide background/context for the rest of your paper. You will then explain how you will proceed to describe and interpret the important differences in the facets of yourself according to the integrator matrix. Use the “Who I Think I Am Introduction Checklist” as you write your introduction and do not submit anything until all requirements are checked off.