Corporate Finance

Question description

* When you finish from my assignment i have to submit in turnitin and that website its looking or searching in my assignment words if i taken from any resource of ( internet, students , books, newspaper …) so you have be careful in that to not become higher then 5%

* follow all the question paper pleass


Learning outcomes to be covered by this assignment:

Gain an understanding the terms, concepts and techniques used in the corporate finance for evaluating firm’s performance.

Scope of the Assignment

The assignment aims to give the students and independent hand of assessing the performance of the company using financial ratios and then suggesting ways and means to address the issue. It will also give them a chance to learn how to gather information about organization from online resources.

Plagiarism Policy[Ref: Assessment Policy Ref:MC/ASSP/v1]

Plagiarism includes, and not limited to, submitting a report/presentation/ dissertation/ term paper/research paper or any other work to be graded which includes the production of other author(s) without properly acknowledging the original author(s) of the work, or use the work of other person (paid or un paid) and submitting it to be its own work to claim grades or any other credit. The college is using a text matching detection software, text similarity above 20% is not acceptable and deemed plagiarism.

Please check with your course instructor for further orientation and information about plagiarism practice avoidance.

Submission Instructions (faculty can add/remove the instructions as per the requirement)

  • Use A4 size paper, Times New Roman 12 font size with single line spacing in text.
  • Use first page of assignment as cover page to submit your work
  • Submit soft copy of assignment through college portal and hard copy as per instructions of the course instructor.
  • Late submission is subjected to maximum deduction of 01 mark per delayed day
  • Plagiarized work shall not be considered to award any marks
  • Similarity ratio more than 20% marks as 0.

Evaluation Summary

Questions Max. Marks Marks Obtained Comments
Total Marks(in figures)
Total Marks(in words)
Evaluator’s Signature

Assignment Questions:(10 Marks)

Calculate the following ratio’s using Financial Statements for the last two years for any manufacturing company in Oman. (Use MSM website to get the financial statements)

a) Compute the ratios for last two years (i.e. 2015 and 2016)

b) How liquid is the firm?

c) Is the management generating adequate operating profit on the firm’s assets?

d) Are the common shareholders receiving a good return on their investment?

e)Give your explanation for the changes in different rations and suggest what the company can do to address a particular problem.

Current ratio Acid test Ratio
Average collection period Inventory Turnover
Debt ratio Times Interest Earned
Total Assets turnover Operating profit Margin
ROE Fixed Asset turnover
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