Education ESOL PROJECT!! DUE 03-02-2021 EASTERN TIME
I have posted the ESOL questions IN THE UPLOAD FILE. This is an important assignment. Please follow the instruction provided. Your job is to complete Activity No 1, 2, and 3. Activity No. 1 is based on several websites provided in the text. Activity No. 2 is based on the textbook, several websites provided, and your cumulative global knowledge. Finally, Activity No. 3 is based on your personal history and cultural experiences.Please make sure that you answer all your questions. You can also submit your first draft for my evaluation and feedback. You can submit your draft here. Please say…this is my first draft and I would like to get your feedback.You will have several examples of the ESOL project included in this module.Most students struggle with questions 3 and 4. You have to customize question 3. For example, in Florida, a 15 credit hours are required for elementary education teachers.QUESTION 4:These are the courses:1) Methods of Teaching ESOL2) ESOL Curriculum and Materials Development3) Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding4) Applied Linguistics5) Testing and Evaluation of ESOLPLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTION AND USE ONLINE CREDIBLE SOURCES