Education  Research – 9 Discussion

Part A –  As you have learned from your preliminary reading, there is a lot to learn about this research methodology.  There are two basic questions for us to consider this week. First, what is the role of the researcher in qualitative research?  Second, what is “truth” as the qualitative researcher understands it?Part B – Module 9 provides rich content related to Qualitative Research.  The resources in the module are extensive.  To demonstrate your understanding of the content, you will create a Study Guide incorporating the major concepts and other details you deem important to assist with understanding what qualitative research is.  The format of the Study Guide is up to you. The Study Guide will be evaluated on its inclusiveness of content and the clarity of presentation.JTE v9n1 – Choosing Qualitative Research: A Primer for Technology Education Researchers | Virginia Tech Scholarly Communication University Libraries (

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