Interpersonal Communcation

Question description

Part I: Listening Analysis First read the Week 2 lecture on listening and do the listening exercises to evaluate your listening skills. Then, use that information to describe an instance when you failed to be an effective listener.

Next, respond to the following prompts. As you compose your responses, you should make connections to the ideas contained in the listening chapter assigned for the week.

  • Where in the stages of listening did you experience breakdown?
  • What was the reason you failed to listen effectively?
  • What could you have done differently to improve your listening?

This part of the assignment should be written with at least four paragraphs (with a minimum of three to four sentences each) of commentary, which is in addition to any quoting from the exercise itself you may choose to do. It may be helpful to explain your thought process and provide examples to give explanation to your descriptions of why you feel that way. This is not a formal paper, but college-level spelling, grammar, and syntax are expected.

Part II: Small Group and Public Speaking Strategies Later in this course, you will read chapters that address skills in both small group communication and public speaking. This assignment is intended to get you thinking about those skills before that information is covered in class, so know that you are not expected to have fully researched responses for this part of the Week 2 assignment.

Using the Communication Improvement Strategy Table from the Week 1 Lecture, develop an improvement strategy that follows it according to the following assessments:

  • the checklist describing the skills covering small-group communication in Chapter 9 on page 189; and
  • the Test Yourself inventory on public-speaking apprehension in Chapter 11 on page 209 OR the checklist describing the steps in preparing a speech on page 234.

You may choose to format these into tables or write them in paragraph form. With whichever option, you should have clear labels for the four main areas: problem, goal, plan, and test of measurability.

Part III: Presentation Topics and Research Ideas Based on the improvement strategies and work on the CCC that you have completed up to this point, put together a numbered list of at least six presentation topics you might have an interest in researching and developing for the Week 6 assignment. Rank the topics with your strongest choice at the top of the list and the others in descending order.

Using your first-topic choice, list three APA formatted references that would be suitable as research sources to support a presentation. These should be in addition to your textbook and not come from the open Web (e.g., a Google search, a blog, and so on). The best place to look is the Chamberlain University Library.

Include your work for Parts I, II, and III in the same Word file (.docx).

Submit your assignment.


Week 2: Homework 2

Week 2: Homework 2
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeListening Analysis
20.0 ptsPaper addresses all aspects of Part I: Listening Analysis 17.0 ptsPaper addresses most aspects of Part I: Listening Analysis 14.0 ptsPaper addresses some aspects of Part I: Listening Analysis 11.0 ptsPaper addresses few aspects of Part I: Listening Analysis 0.0ptsNo effort
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpeaking Strategies
10.0 ptsPaper addresses all aspects of Part II: Small Group and Public Speaking Strategies 8.5 ptsPaper addresses most aspects of Part II: Small Group and Public Speaking Strategies 7.0 ptsPaper addresses some aspects of Part II: Small Group and Public Speaking Strategies 6.5 ptsPaper addresses few aspects of Part II: Small Group and Public Speaking Strategies 0.0ptsNo effort
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
5.0 ptsThroughout the whole work, the writing · actively engages with the topic · is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation · demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety 4.0 ptsThroughout most of the work, the writing · actively engages with the topic · is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation · demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety 3.0 ptsThroughout some of the work, the writing · actively engages with the topic · is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation · demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety 2.0 ptsThroughout little of the work, the writing · actively engages with the topic · is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation · demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety 0.0ptsNo effort
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength
5.0 ptsCommentary includes at least three paragraphs of three to four sentences each 4.0 ptsCommentary includes at least three paragraphs but the paragraphs are less than 3 sentences each 3.0 ptsCommentary includes only two paragraphs or the paragraphs are less than 3 sentences. 1.0 ptsCommentary has only one paragraph or the paragraphs are shorter than 3 – 4 sentences. 0.0ptsNo Effort
Total Points: 40.0
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